We are building!
Hope is synonymous with Spiritual Strength: They aren’t based in a specific belief system, but in an inner knowing that Divine goodness infuses all that exists, and is able to hold life itself as a journey back to that knowing for all of humanity. We may experience it through a religious practice… but also as a deep relationship with nature, or through a creative expression that we experience as taking us to a higher level – or, for that matter, anything that leads us to a greater sense of unity with something larger than ourselves. Within that knowing, we can reach for the larger picture, the longer view, that will help to sustain us when the events around us are discouraging or scary.
This section of The Daily Hope will explore our relationship with Divine goodness, and how it is expressed in the world, historically and in the present. Please come back and visit us as new material is added!
What reassures you when the events around you threaten to crush your spirit? What helps you to connect to the larger picture? We welcome your suggestions for what could be included in this section (links to other websites, images, writings, poetry, etc.) – please use the form below – and thank you.